Jan 26, 2011

Your Favorite Bondage Position?

Since Goddess and I now have the flexibility and luxury of the new dungeon, experimenting with positions has been sort of a focal point.  Finding different materials to use...positions to force...etc.  I guess you could say I'm a little lost in my head as to:
  • What invokes a sub-spacey feeling most?
  • What hurts or is the most uncomfortable?
  • Which gives Goddess best access to my body for her favorite activities?
  • Which positions can I hold and suffer for long periods of time?
  • Which positions take the most time to secure?
  • Which positions are the safest or most dangerous?
  • Which do I desire to be put in the  most?  the least?
  • Which positions does Goddess enjoy most? least?
Guess I'll have to fill you in when I have the answers...but right now I'm just enjoying the fact that Goddess has sooooooooooo many options :-)

What are your favorites? Your Least favorite?  Do you have a picture of a position or bondage method you'd like to see Goddess put me in (we'll do them and post a personalized image of it)?  All comments are very welcome!


Walter H. Schulze III said...

how about using the weather and drop the ambient temp downstairs to make it more of a discomfort?

Hawk said...

@SH: Good point and idea. Actually, that sort of happens without either of our input. It's chilly down there even with a space heater. It's been between 0-25 degrees for almost 2 weeks now...the joy of a basement in Chicago :-) Goddess will see this...i'm not sure if she really likes being cold enough to use it as a weapon, but i could be wrong.

Walter H. Schulze III said...

I find ten degrees can make a world of difference to someone dressed as you are there. She could easily wear warmer clothing and retreat upstairs when she is feeling the need.

Anyway, I like old fashion handcuffs above the head while she edges you, leaves you, comes back on a commercial break, edges you, leaves....etc... Add the lower ambient temp as a form of "icing" on the cake (no pun intended) and you will be jello...

Walter H. Schulze III said...

Mr. Hawk,

I like the traditional cuffs lock on neck ring behind head while nude. A single rope can be used and subsequently tied off to a cleat or eyebolt to hold you in a small location. For some reason, the arms drawn in behind the head to me seems a more vulnerable position then spread eagle. Looking into your eyes while she edges you or inflicts pain she will see the tensing of your biceps more clearly.