Jan 29, 2011

If you had your own "Little Bird"...

What naughty message would you have it whisper in your Owner's/Sub's ear today???
Sometimes I think the silent communication that happens between Owners and Subs is a delicious exchange.  Other times, it seems the silence gets in the way of great things.  Does that make sense?

Mine would whisper in Goddess' ear....
"Your slave's limits are feeling very...

p.s. (unrelated):  My Collarme profile has become a magnet for beautiful transexuals.  Not sure what that means or how I should take it, but....guess I'm flattered :-)

Jan 26, 2011

Your Favorite Bondage Position?

Since Goddess and I now have the flexibility and luxury of the new dungeon, experimenting with positions has been sort of a focal point.  Finding different materials to use...positions to force...etc.  I guess you could say I'm a little lost in my head as to:
  • What invokes a sub-spacey feeling most?
  • What hurts or is the most uncomfortable?
  • Which gives Goddess best access to my body for her favorite activities?
  • Which positions can I hold and suffer for long periods of time?
  • Which positions take the most time to secure?
  • Which positions are the safest or most dangerous?
  • Which do I desire to be put in the  most?  the least?
  • Which positions does Goddess enjoy most? least?
Guess I'll have to fill you in when I have the answers...but right now I'm just enjoying the fact that Goddess has sooooooooooo many options :-)

What are your favorites? Your Least favorite?  Do you have a picture of a position or bondage method you'd like to see Goddess put me in (we'll do them and post a personalized image of it)?  All comments are very welcome!

Jan 25, 2011

Best of Blogworld this week

Thought I'd share a couple great blogs/posts that I read this morning.

Highly recommended reading :-)

Jan 24, 2011

Little Snapshot of Sunday

I had a chance to serve Goddess yesterday...YEAH!  We went shopping and found some really nice fabric to use for the dungeon walls (stay tuned).  We were also able to clean out more basement "stuff" to the curb. 

We had some time to again try out the dungeon and it was an incredible afternoon.  Goddess found a new position for me that she really enjoyed...

One of the benefits of this position was to explore, for the first time...foot cropping.  I had seen it in many movies and was very curious about it.  Goddess used a couple of tools on my feet...the fleshy part on and around the arch.  It was exquisite pain...made me feel very submissive, and hopefully Goddess will begin to include that place on my body for future training and punishment :-)

Have a Mombo Monday everyone!