- 1000 Citizens: These are the superior females for whom the island was established. Many of them were personal friends, acquaintances, associates of the Females in Charge (FIC's). The vast majority, however, had applied for citizenship. Collectively the FIC's went through these applications and hand picked those that met the qualities expected.
- Successful, intelligent, progressive women
- Women that embraced the innate superiority of the female gender
- Healthy, active, type A women, that would benefit from an escape from "The Gray Days"
- 250 Females of Inferior Nature (FIN's) These were to be very important women on Sub-SPACE, and were scrutinized by the FIC's before being chosen. Their roles would be diverse and specific, as they would be the backbone of skilled labor...any job that was above trusting a slave to do. These females can best be described as
- Young, beautiful, highly skilled in their personally chosen fields. They would be the nurses, IT administrators, chefs and waitresses, research assistants, personal trainers, slave handlers. They would enjoy their work because it was their passion.
- These FIN's had not yet fully grasped their superiority, and were maturing as individuals.
- Many of the FIN's aspired to becoming Citizens at some point and saw their opportunity on Sub-SPACE as a place to learn and grow in their femininity and superiority.
- 25 Males of Superior Breeding (MSB's) These were young men who had been specifically sought/found/captured by Kelley the Female in Charge of Fun. They were perfect specimens of the male gender...physically at least, and perfect as alpha slaves for Sub-SPACE.
- 2000 Male slaves mostly either coerced from the web or recommended from someone. Every effort was made to make sure they were a diverse and quality sample of the males that were available. These were chosen because...
- They had displayed geniune submissiveness either through their writing, blogging, or from references.
- They were healthy and ready for the duties that would await them on Sub-SPACE.
- They voluntarily sought a new reality...even if it wasn't exactly what they thought they were signing up for.
My continued journey as a submissive male. Diary, Fiction, Contemplation. Please enjoy my blog and feel free to comment, contribute, suggest. I'm a 40something sub with a big heart, a submissive soul, and creative mind.
Jan 22, 2011
Destination Sub-SPACE: Prologue 2
Before we jump into Chapter 1 of Destination Subspace, some enlightening informational nuggets may serve us well. In preparation for "Move In Day", the FIC's had spent several months of meticulous recruiting for the island. Their labors resulted in the following soon to be inhabitants.
Not narcoleptic...maybe SAD
So a little bit about me. I don't think there's a medical term for it...but if there were...the definition would be:
"Does not have the inner ability or mental strength to fight off sleep when tired."
Yeah, that's me. I've been in 5 serious car accidents in my life...2 of them were from falling asleep at the wheel. I learned at an early age not to tempt fate by driving when tired...I just can't fight it. As I age (45), it seems to be amplifying on me, and I don't like it one bit.
Goddess and I chat online most nights that we aren't together, after hers and my personal reponsibilities are finished, usually sometime between 9 and 10pm. Lately, however, I've been dosing off and not waking up until it's too late. I'll sit down on the couch to eat dinner and watch a spot of TV...and the next thing I know...its 2am. Probably sounds strange I'm sure, but I just can't fight sleep after that first yawn of the evening.
I'm getting between 6-8 hours of sleep, and I don't have a particularly strenuous job. My diet's not great, but not horrible either. So this thing I've dealt with all my life is getting worse...and it's costing me time with my owner...costing me productive personal time...making me feel bad about myself for not being a good subbie. I guess in my mind, a sub should be so available, and able to stretch time and schedules to accomodate...and I'm failing.
Now Goddess has been very understanding, very reassuring, and very supportive. In that way, I'm so lucky. I realize this. But just not sure how to cope with or correct the trend. Glad to hear your thoughts. I know there are many practical solutions, but I've tried most of them and I'm still coming up...sleeping.
Last night was a small victory, as I had just gotten home from work...eaten a nice meal...gotten into my PJ's...and not only started chatting with Goddess, but actually found the energy to "wake up/clean up/and go" to her house for service. Maybe it's SAD (seasonal affective disorder) where during the short days of winter...a depression sets in, it's main symptom...loss of energy and ambition.
Oh well, not an exciting post I know, but it's been on my mind...........
"Does not have the inner ability or mental strength to fight off sleep when tired."
Yeah, that's me. I've been in 5 serious car accidents in my life...2 of them were from falling asleep at the wheel. I learned at an early age not to tempt fate by driving when tired...I just can't fight it. As I age (45), it seems to be amplifying on me, and I don't like it one bit.
Goddess and I chat online most nights that we aren't together, after hers and my personal reponsibilities are finished, usually sometime between 9 and 10pm. Lately, however, I've been dosing off and not waking up until it's too late. I'll sit down on the couch to eat dinner and watch a spot of TV...and the next thing I know...its 2am. Probably sounds strange I'm sure, but I just can't fight sleep after that first yawn of the evening.
I'm getting between 6-8 hours of sleep, and I don't have a particularly strenuous job. My diet's not great, but not horrible either. So this thing I've dealt with all my life is getting worse...and it's costing me time with my owner...costing me productive personal time...making me feel bad about myself for not being a good subbie. I guess in my mind, a sub should be so available, and able to stretch time and schedules to accomodate...and I'm failing.
Now Goddess has been very understanding, very reassuring, and very supportive. In that way, I'm so lucky. I realize this. But just not sure how to cope with or correct the trend. Glad to hear your thoughts. I know there are many practical solutions, but I've tried most of them and I'm still coming up...sleeping.
Last night was a small victory, as I had just gotten home from work...eaten a nice meal...gotten into my PJ's...and not only started chatting with Goddess, but actually found the energy to "wake up/clean up/and go" to her house for service. Maybe it's SAD (seasonal affective disorder) where during the short days of winter...a depression sets in, it's main symptom...loss of energy and ambition.
Oh well, not an exciting post I know, but it's been on my mind...........
Jan 19, 2011
Destination Sub-SPACE: The Cast Part 1: Meet the FIC'ers
Janna's vision was to fashion her SPACE in a completely Female led manner. Women would rule...Women would live their superiority...Women would control all aspects of everything. Her wisdom of the Femdom World, and her execution of its principals in her own life spurred her on. Knowing it would take sound leadership to make it all work, she set out to find women gifted in their particular fields...who would devote themselves to Sub-SPACE and it's success. It didn't take as long as she expected, and soon had found her FIC's...Females in Charge...
· Pria: Female in Charge (FIC) of all Sub-SPACE Operations. At the age of 55, Pria had conquered the world. She had started and grown two of the most successful Real Estate Firms in England and served on several restructuring councils when London began adapting to The Gray Days. Cool and calm, she never came across an issue she couldn't diffuse. Balancing budgets and schedules was like buttering bread for her and when Janna approached her to be the Governor of Sub-SPACE, she knew this was the perfect career move...the last she would ever have to make. As leader of this floating paradise, she could enjoy it all...influence, power, security, and most of all be the main player in molding the dream that Janna had birthed. She was attractive for her age, but looked all of her 55 years. With the most delightful cockney accent, she could hypnotize a room with her voice...and the wink of an eye.
· Natia: Female in Charge (FIC) of Slave Operations. For the last 7 years Natia had run a professional dungeon in New York. With an M.D. in pyschology and a PHD in male brains, she had successfully grown her enterprise to one of the largest BDSM havens in the world. Fifty Pro-dommes in her employ and 1000's of customers, had given her the opportunity to become one of the premier authors and speakers on Female Supremacy. 29 years old and a specimen to behold, she wielded the whip just as well as her whit...and any man in her presence was reduced to dust at her spoken word. Her responsibilities in Sub-SPACE were many, but from the beginning, recruiting slaves and filling stable ranks was her most urgent task.
· Philly: Female in Charge (FIC) of Homeland Technology and Science. Philly had been unemployed for almost a year after being let go by one of China's most prestigious research universities. Her "work" pushed even the boundaries of the forward thinking Asian population and she had been forced out. Much of her experimental method both in behaviors and drug therapy never made the light of day... When Janna approached her to head the Science and Technology portion of Sub-SPACE, she saw it as a way to once again, continue her "work". Her gymnast figure and her sweet, angelic face are a stark contrast to her twisted and deviously modern thinking mind.
· Kelley: Female in Charge (FIC) of Citizen Engagement and Fulfillment. Miss Kelley was Jenna's first choice for "FIC of Fun". Having a reputation for throwing the most spectacular and mind expanding parties in Los Angeles, Kelly was the party girl of the century. Jenna was quoted after interviewing Kelley for the position, "That girl would have fun if you dropped her off in the middle of the desert with nothing but a hair dryer." Kelley had dated most of the young jet-set in Hollywood both male and female...and corrupted each and every one. From her trend setting hair to her perfumed feet...Kelley was up for the challenge of making sure the women of Sub-SPACE lived a life of pleasure, excitement, and hedonistic morality.
Jan 16, 2011
Destination Sub-SPACE: The Prologue I
A work of original fiction by Hawk/Subspacesearcher
The world had just welcomed in the year 2021. The past decade had rewritten what life was all about. The global economy had been reduced to a shadow, and the countries that remained had reorganized in a base and casual effort to just sustain themselves. Essentially, cooperation, unity, and common purpose were no more. With each person, family, city, and country focused on not going backward...the world had found a gray balance, an empty, passionless, peaceful state, that seemed to point toward tomorrow. It was a New World Attitude.
The world had just welcomed in the year 2021. The past decade had rewritten what life was all about. The global economy had been reduced to a shadow, and the countries that remained had reorganized in a base and casual effort to just sustain themselves. Essentially, cooperation, unity, and common purpose were no more. With each person, family, city, and country focused on not going backward...the world had found a gray balance, an empty, passionless, peaceful state, that seemed to point toward tomorrow. It was a New World Attitude.
Advancements in technology had been significant enough to correct the environmental challenges of earlier days. New agricultural processes had significantly erased hunger and famine in the developed regions of the planet. With very little challenging the civilized portion of the human race, the world had stumbled on The Gray Years. These were years without enlightenment, without motivation, the status quo becoming more like serenity. Personal success was measured by avoiding stress and living comfortably...which everyone did. Third world populations had mostly vanished, since First World countries had seen no need to keep them around. They had starved or been killed off by disease, or had killed each other off...or who knows what. All that mattered was, things were comfy and cozy for those that still lived, and that was enough for most everyone.
"Most" is not a synonym for "All", however. There were those who's decadence and greed were not satisfied by the New World Attitude, and they found ample opportunity to accumulate wealth. A very small population of Aristocrat-like celebrities amassed large fortunes through media, technology, and resource exploitation. This new "Class" had very little interest in The Gray Years, and turned their attentions to more selfish pursuits...creating their own self sustaining SPACES...their own little world's within the world...their own Utopia's...in accordance with their own fanciful images of perfection. Where they could live their lives like Gods.
These "SPACES" were actually Eco-cities, to use a term from days gone by. Floating cities that could sustain themselves completely. No emissions, no fossil fuels, completely recharging and self sufficient. Through wind, solar, hydro, and cyber power...these human-made islands were capable of supporting populations into the tens of thousands...with little or no need for interaction with the rest of the world.
These "SPACES" were actually Eco-cities, to use a term from days gone by. Floating cities that could sustain themselves completely. No emissions, no fossil fuels, completely recharging and self sufficient. Through wind, solar, hydro, and cyber power...these human-made islands were capable of supporting populations into the tens of thousands...with little or no need for interaction with the rest of the world.
Enter Janna. Queen of the silver screen, Princess of the Internet highway, Baroness of world economics. She had taken advantage of every opportunity The Gray Years had presented, cashing in on every business venture and every bureaucratic loophole...and had amassed a fortune unfathomable to the common man. Several of her Aristocratic peers had already purchased and launched their own SPACES, but Janna was not going to be left behind...in fact, she was going to rewrite the whole concept on her terms. She contracted an available SPACE of the latest and greatest fashion, recruited a team of qualified leaders, experts and administrators, and within a year had her own SPACE floating several hundred miles off the coast of southern California. It was named Sub-SPACE, and it was not to be your ordinary off shore utopia.
This is where our yarn begins to ravel :-)
This is where our yarn begins to ravel :-)
Fiction Update: A 2011 Project
For sometime, I've been mentally toiling over a creative writing project. After reading the news on Yahoo the other day, I believe I've nailed down a theme and story line that I'll be unleashing in the coming days. Posting bite size portions on here, and keeping an up-to-date full version available somewhere else online....eventually ending in a novella or something of that nature.
I'll be posting the prologue tonight, but wanted to throw out an opportunity to those of you who are "cut from the creative cloth". Here are the opportunities to be part of the project...
Prologue arriving on your Blog shelves this week :-)
I'll be posting the prologue tonight, but wanted to throw out an opportunity to those of you who are "cut from the creative cloth". Here are the opportunities to be part of the project...
- If any of you are artists or wanna-be artists...I'd love to give you a chance to possibly do some illustrations in whatever medium you prefer. I'll paint the mental picture...and you put your personal touch on it.
- If you have an idea for a character you'd like me to "write in" to the story, that would be a fun challenge for me. Could be male/female/dominant/submissive/a creature/etc...my mind is wide open and would enjoy hearing some of your "mind's creations". Maybe you'd just like to have yourself be written into the story? That's okay too :-)
Prologue arriving on your Blog shelves this week :-)
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