Jan 16, 2011

Fiction Update: A 2011 Project

For sometime, I've been mentally toiling over a creative writing project.  After reading the news on Yahoo the other day, I believe I've nailed down a theme and story line that I'll be unleashing in the coming days.  Posting bite size portions on here, and keeping an up-to-date full version available somewhere else online....eventually ending in a novella or something of that nature. 

I'll be posting the prologue tonight, but wanted to throw out an opportunity to those of you who are "cut from the creative cloth".  Here are the opportunities to be part of the project...
  • If any of you are artists or wanna-be artists...I'd love to give you a chance to possibly do some illustrations in whatever medium you prefer.  I'll paint the mental picture...and you put your personal touch on it.
  • If you have an idea for a character you'd like me to "write in" to the story, that would be a fun challenge for me.  Could be male/female/dominant/submissive/a creature/etc...my mind is wide open and would enjoy hearing some of your "mind's creations".  Maybe you'd just like to have yourself be written into the story?  That's okay too :-)
If you have any questions or any interest at all in the above...let me know!

Prologue arriving on your Blog shelves this week :-)


Walter H. Schulze III said...

looking forward to it....


Anonymous said...

What a fun idea!