Jan 29, 2011

If you had your own "Little Bird"...

What naughty message would you have it whisper in your Owner's/Sub's ear today???
Sometimes I think the silent communication that happens between Owners and Subs is a delicious exchange.  Other times, it seems the silence gets in the way of great things.  Does that make sense?

Mine would whisper in Goddess' ear....
"Your slave's limits are feeling very...

p.s. (unrelated):  My Collarme profile has become a magnet for beautiful transexuals.  Not sure what that means or how I should take it, but....guess I'm flattered :-)


Walter H. Schulze III said...

time to try spanking to see if you like it. You know your sub would. Go ahead, you may like seeing his ass turn red and hearing his yelps. You could have him give you an orgasm in appreciation after too. It will be fun.

Master Dream's precious treasure said...

Stretchy limits are a great thing!! It's when i feel like hiding under the bed and hoping He doesn't find me for the day... that's the worst!

The best part of what you're doing (i think) is your willingness to tell her you want to be pushed a bit. That's where i think i struggle. i might feel it a lot, but actually verbalizing it is a much bigger step than just feeling it.

i hope you have a wonderful Saturday night!

MD's treasure

Anonymous said...

Stretchy Limits - what a great concept, Hawk :).

Hawk said...

@SH- I hope that spanking your thinking of becomes a reality for you soon :-)

@MDPT- Exactly, Goddess is so wise and so skilled at everything, the temptation to keep a desire or need for "a little more" to myself is overwhelming. Still learning how to share and communicate my needs without sounding or being "toppy"

@Clive- stretchy = good things and new frontiers :-)