Feb 2, 2011

Goddess and the Dungeon

The dungeon has come a LONG way!
We've constructed walls (above) and although we may configure them slightly different, the work we have put in is really starting to show.  By the end of this month it should be mostly finished

Of course there are always improvements and "adds", but the Space is for all intensive purposes...ready for action.

Also, Goddess received a new paddle that came as an extra with my collar.  It's called the "Lightning Bolt" and it is exquisitely made.  Check out Black Market Chicago and the image of Goddess with the new tool below...

She is Divine and so worthy of praise and worship.  I am fortunate to be in her service!


Just Me said...

Looks wonderful & delicious & like there will be a lot of fun to be had.Have fun :)

Panda's property said...

omg, SO jealous! Wish we had an amazing dungeon like that!

Have fun! ~_^

Anonymous said...

I really envy you having space for a dungeon. I can't wait until we get our house to ourselves and I don't care how selfish that shounds LOL!