Dec 15, 2010

Collaring Part 3: In Kinkness and In Health...

Ah, the Collaring Ceremony...the subject of Blog posts, Diary entries, Short stories and Poems.  Just the thought of a ceremony conjures up words and emotions like romance, power exchange, jocularity, festiveness, solumness, pagentry, protocol, sacrifice, community....

If you google "collaring ceremony", you'll get tons of examples, formulas, pictures, movies, how-to's, OMG...people love a good ceremony :-)  Here are some very common elements often included in typical ceremonies....
  • The "branding" of the sub/slave with the owner's mark.  (For the Gorean Crowd)
  • Elaborate speeches and orations
  • Recitations of oaths
  • Public flogging
  • Candle lighting ceremonies including wax play
  • The shedding or dropping of sub's hard and soft limits
  • A renaming of the sub/slave
  • A binding of the hands by ribbon with both holding the contract
  • The signing of a contract
  • A carefully scripted public scene
  • In a domme/sub ceremony, the sub may be "taken with a strap-on" to signify the power exchange, often in front of the guests.
  • A wine toast for everyone except the sub who gets her golden nectar.
  • Ceremony guests may be invited to hug the Master/Mistress and spank or humiliate the submissive...or may be asked to participate in some manner that the Master/Mistress desires.
  • Elements common to a marriage may be included, such as music, readings, etc.
  • A reception or party may be held subsequent to the ceremony.  This may include scenes, public service from the submissive...or simply be a time for drink and laughter.
It's a creative person's dream doubt...whether its a small or large event.  And since there aren't any real "social conventions" other than the actual "collaring"...a Master/Mistress can basically design their own perfect ceremony.

There will probably be a follow up to this post after Goddess and I put our heads together...and her will is done :-)

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