Dec 29, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

In addition to a host of personal habits and responsibilities that I have to my owner, these are the "extras" on my list of things to accomplish in 2011.

Okay...drum roll please...
  1. To find at least one new and special way to please Goddess each month.  Something that will make her smile, please her in a way that brings a freshness and a newness to my service to her. (I'll gladly accept ideas :-)
  2. To do everything I can to see Goddess's dream of her own private dungeon come to fruition.
  3. To build a stronger, deeper, more meaningful network of others in the BDSM lifestyle.
  4. To become more fit, lean, flexible so as to be able to serve Goddess better.
  5. To more faithfully work on this blog so that it is a fitting tribute to my Goddess.
  6. To make movies of my submission and share them.
  7. To revive my photography hobby and use it to expand my world vision and to please Goddess with the images.
  8. To meet, if only for coffee, 3 online friends in the real merge the cyberlife with the reallife.
  9. To go on some sort of retreat...completely non-vanilla (a 2 day seminar or event, camping, D/s lifestyle mini trip)
  10. To expand and develop my submissive limits in the areas I am deficient (future post coming)
  11. To share my submissive life with one vanilla friend...again an attempt to merge both parts of life...vanilla/ order to spend less time going from one to the other...and spend more time in the BDSM lifestyle...out of the closet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some very good resolutions to start the new year with :)